Vertigo Relief

Thank you for being willing to help test out this new project of mine!

(Read everything before you begin)

The project is based on a special kind of sound called isochronic tones that causes changes in your brain state through a process called brainwave entrainment.

Essentially, by listening to a tone pulsing at a specific frequency, it will cause your brain to start producing more of the brainwave that corresponds to that frequency. If you have heard of binaural beats, it’s similar to that, though much more effective, and doesn’t require headphones. It will also work if you have hearing loss, binaural beats will not.

I’ve been working with a sound engineer with over 10 years of experience to create special isochronic tones that cause your brain to quickly drop into a slower brainwave dominant state (theta/delta brainwaves).

It should help in two specific ways. Benzodiazepines like valium and xanax reduce vertigo by slowing the signals from the vestibular system to the brain. Slowing down your brainwaves with the sounds should achieve a similar effect. It will also help from an anxiety point of view.

I haven’t had a vertigo attack for a long time, but when I used to get them frequently, I would immediately go into a panic when I felt one coming on. I know a lot of you can relate to this. The panic and anxiety can make the vertigo much worse. But these sounds can very quickly drop you into an extremely relaxed state. It will offset the anxiety and even if it can’t stop the vertigo, it should help to reduce the intensity.


 DO NOT STOP TAKING ANY OF YOUR MEDICATIONS! This is very important. These sounds are not meant to be a replacement for any kind of medical treatment. They are safe (it is just sound after all) but I am most certainly not a doctor or a medical professional. Do not listen if you have Epilepsy: the pulsing sound can trigger you.

I also want to mention, that you can use this even when you are not having a vertigo attack to help you relax. Just make sure you don’t drive or operate machinery as it will put you in a deeply relaxed state. I encourage you to give it a try tonight when it’s close to your bed time!

Ok with all that out of the way, here is what you need to do.

1) You have two options for the sounds, one is mixed with relaxing ambient music, the other is mixed with relaxing ocean sounds. You can click either one to listen online, or right-click and save, to download it as an MP3:

2) When you feel a vertigo attack coming on, or if one is just starting, sit or lay down somewhere comfortable and calmly load the track.

3) I recommend using headphones to listen to this, though it’s not necessary. Just make sure you have decent speakers if not. Your iPhone/Android phone speaker will not be enough.

4) Close your eyes, and take slow deep calming breaths while you focus on the pulsing sounds. This will help speed up the process. The track is engineered to get you to a deeply relaxed, slow brainwave state in as little as 7 minutes, though the full track is 40 minutes long. I encourage you to listen to the whole thing, or at least until you are feeling better.

5) Thats it! Be sure to report back to me with how it works! And remember, this is a work in progress. With your feedback I will be able to make it more and more effective! Please leave any feedback you have as a comment on this post below! Thanks Everyone, I hope it helps!

  1. Hyperacusis is my most constant symptom. I am a teacher of blind and visually impaired students in public school. Every day I go to algebra class with a blind student. There are over 35 students in the class and the teacher does not make them keep quiet so the volume is over 80 decibels (tested on my phone app) the whole period, 1 hour & 15 minutes. So my ear is always swelling and I’m fearing an attack of vertigo during class, which did happen once. I’ve started taking a Valium each day before class.
    Anyway, today I decided to try the beach and ocean sounds track during class. I turned it on my phone and held it near my head during class. I knew no one would hear it since it’s so noisy in there. It seemed to help drown out the kids’ noise and the pulsing sounds did whatever they are supposed to do. It felt much better than usual by the end of class!
    Glenn, you may be another miracle worker! Thank you! I will continue to use it to see what else it can do for me.

    • Hi Nancy, thanks for letting me know! If its possible, try to listen with headphones or over a good speaker. It’s possible that it could work over your phone speaker but it will work WAY better if you can listen through headphones or a speaker. I think even one headphone might be a better choice though I have to test that theory. Thanks Nancy! Keep reporting back!

  2. I have been listening at night to calm me down from the chaos of the day. Each night I have fallen asleep to the track. I like the ocean track best and wish the waves where a little louder. Great job and I look forward to hearing more.

  3. In addition to night time use, I listen to it to facilitate my fledgling meditation practice. I have the worst time calming my mind and pretty much suck at meditating. I’m getting better with your help. Definitely reduces anxiety. Love both the sounds. You’re a genius!

    • Thats great! Thanks for letting me know Debby! I’m working on some other ones too. One for brain fog, one for general fatigue, and a morning booster one that can replace coffee and help you wake up!

  4. The tracks definitely have an effect on your state of mind and anxiety levels. I hadn’t experienced any vertigo since downloading the track until today. There is a marked difference in the intensity of the vertigo after listening to the the track for even twenty minutes.
    Keep up the great work!

  5. I’ve been using the beach track now for a few weeks, and at least daily for the past week since I got a good pair of earbuds. I think of it as an audio dose of Valium! It works as well, with no side effects!! When I feel pressure in my ear or know I’m going to be in a noisy environment I listen to it, and even when I’m not able to lie down & really relax it calms my ear. I’ve used it while working in the kitchen and taking a walk too, and noticed improvement.
    I love your work, Glenn! Thank you so much!

    • Thats great! Thanks for letting me know Nancy. Did you find that using a good set of headphones had better results? Also I’m getting ready to release the vertigo tracks a long with tracks for tracks to help brain fog, an energy/motivation booster for fatigue and a separate one for morning grogginess, as well as one for general stress/anxiety thats much less sedating but very relaxing. Hoping to launch next week! Would it be ok if I used your name and comment as a testimonial?

  6. Yes, you may use my name & comments. Glad to help. The other tracks coming out sound great too!
    The headphones help mostly for keeping it close to my ear, instead of having to hold my phone up, which is hard if I’m doing other things. And I should add, I’ve usually just put one earbud in while I listened, since I usually needed to hear what was going on around me.
    A question for you: do I need to actually hear the beats to make them effective? Or does it work kindof subconsciously? A couple times when I had it in my bad ear (mild loss) I realized I was only hearing the ocean, not the beats. If I’m using it to block noise, I usually put it in my bad ear. Thanks.

    • The beat sound is what will cause the change in your brainwaves, but the ocean sounds are definitely relaxing in themselves. It will work with only one earplug in as long as you can hear the beat sounds. It will always work better though with both headphones in. If you cant hear the beats on the ocean one with your bad ear, try the one mixed with music. The beat is a higher pitched tone which might be easier to hear. In the future I will be able to make tracks without the beat sound. The music itself can be modified to cause the same effect. Thanks Nancy!

  7. Glenn, can this track be put into iTunes & played on an iPhone when internet/wifi is not available? I think I’m going to need that capability this weekend but can’t figure out how to do it.

    • Yes you can! Open the page on your computer, right click the file, and choose “save link as” to download it to your computer. It will save the Mp3 files to your computer and you can do anything you want with them.

  8. Hello Glenn, I think this definitly works. I start to using it today with some premonitory sympthons and makes me feel better. I will keep you posting about how I feel as I continue using it. Thanks a lot for your work on this and for being empathetic with this desease.

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The Symptom Relief Project Disclaimer

  • Those who should not listen to the Symptom Relief Project include: Those who are prone to or have had seizures, epileptic, pregnant or wear a pacemaker, whether knowingly or not, should not listen the Symptom Relief Project.

    Those who should consult a physician before the use of this product include: individuals under the influence of medication or drugs. The Symptom Relief Project should not to be used while under the influence of alcohol or other mood altering substances, whether they be legal or illegal.

    Children under the age of 18 are to be examined by a physician for epilepsy or illnesses that may contribute to seizures prior to listening to the Symptom Relief Project, as they are more susceptible to seizures.


    Although the Symptom Relief Project’s aim is to contribute to wellness, it is not intended as a replacement for medical or psychological treatment. No medical claims are intended, express or implied. No statements made in the application or related documentation have been evaluated or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Do not stop taking any of your prescribed medication.

    The buyer/user of The Symptom Relief Project assumes all risks in the use of the Symptom Relief Project, waving any claims against Glenn Schweitzer and Mind Over Meniere’s for any and all mental or physical injuries. This includes all self-created suggestions for mood altering, brain wave states altering, and for self-improvement or motivation. The buyer/user also agrees to assume liabilities when other persons have access to the Symptom Relief Project.

    In no case will Glenn Schweitzer or Mind Over Meniere’s be liable for chance, accidental, special, direct or indirect damages resulting from use, misuse or defects of the audio, instructions or documentation.